
On Low-cycle Fatigue in Abaqus 2016 Documentation

Abaqus Analysis User’s Guide “Direct cyclic analysis,” Section 6.2.6 “Low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct cyclic approach,” Section 6.2.7 “Modeling discontinuities as an enriched feature using the extended finite element method,” Section 10.7.1 “Applying the VCCT technique to the XFEM-bas...


为Jekyll添加Google Analytics(分析)服务

什么是Google Analytics Google Analytics(谷歌分析,简称GA)是著名互联网公司Google提供的一款免费为网站提供的数据统计服务。可以对目标网站进行访问数据统计和分析,并提供多种参数供网站拥有者使用。 需要注意的是,你可能需要科学的上网方式才能够访问Google的相关网站。 Analytics(分析)使用入门 访问Get started with Analytics - Analytics Help来对Analytics(分析)的使用入门。它将指导你如何注册Analytics(分析)帐户并获得目标站点的跟踪ID(Tracking ID)以及相关的跟踪代码段。 设置Google Analytics(分析)跟踪 Google Analytics(...


On Fracture Mechanics in Abaqus 2016 Documentation

Abaqus/CAE User’s Guide “Fracture mechanics,” Section 31 “Seam cracks,” Section 31.1 “Using contour integrals to model fracture mechanics,” Section 31.2 “Using the extended finite element method to model fracture mechanics,” Section 31.3 “Using the vi...



博客解决方案 有各种各样的方法来创建你的个人博客网站。这里,我们不加比较地列举几种比较常见的博客平台以及开发框架: 平台: Blogger.com - Create a unique and beautiful blog. It’s easy and free. Tumblr - Come for what you love. Stay for what you discover. GitHub Pages - Websites for you and your projects, hosted directly from your GitHub repository. LOFTER (乐乎) - 记录生活,发现同好 简书 - 交流故事,沟通想法 博客园...


Running X Window Graphical Application Via SSH

SSH gives a solution of remote command-line login and remote command execution on Unix-like operating system. If you want to run server’s software with GUI on your client however, unlike RFB (VNC) protocol, SSH itself is not applicable to windowing systems and applications at the framebuffer level. But we can enable SSH’s X11 forwarding function...
